Let's put it this way

And so castles made of sand fall in the sea, eventually ...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ron Artest

Golden State Warrios'in yakisikli oyuncusu Stephen Jackson trade edilmek istedigini ve kazanan bir takima gitmek istedigini soyleyince mac ve para cezasina carptirildi takimi tarafindan.

Ron Artest'in konu ile ilgili yorumu ise efsane. “The greatest did it before – Kobe – the greatest to ever play the game," Ron Artest said. “And he won a championship after that. He wanted to win. He didn’t want out. He wanted to win. Steve Jackson probably isn’t as talented as the greatest. But he has in his heart that he wants to win. Guys like that want to win.
Oha ne "greatest" i haci? Manyak misin lan? Gezegendeki en buyuk Kobe fani oldugumu dusunuyordum sen bunu diyene kadar. Tek bir greatest vardir o da MJ. Sarkici veya basketci olani farketmez. Bu sene daha cok ucuk seyler gorecez Ron Artest'den...

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